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EMA Mission Statement

Cleburne County EMA’s Mission Is To Protect People and Property

This is accomplished through:

Planning – Having plans, details and assignments in place prior to disaster events occurring in order to reduce confusion and expedite Government’s role in protecting it’s citizens and returning the community back to a state of normalcy. Examples are the County’s Emergency Operations Plan and the County Local Emergency Planning Committee which serves as a forum for addressing emergency planning between all response departments, industry and government.

Mitigating – Reducing the level of threat or risk posed to the public. Involves taking steps to make the community more disaster resistant. Examples are installing outdoor warning sirens and educating the public as to how to protect themselves.

Training – Providing training to individuals who have response roles during emergencies, thus providing them a greater level of capability in performing their roles.

Coordinating – Serving as a coordinating agency between Local, State and Federal agencies in addressing the County’s needs as a whole in the time of disaster.

Exercising – Conduct yearly disaster drills that incorporate many different facets of emergency response.

Responding – Manning the Emergency Operations Center and serving as a centralized information and coordination point for the County during times of disaster or community emergency.

Recovering – Address and apply for State and Federal disaster declarations and manage damage assessment and the claims process for Cleburne County. This includes disaster assistance for the uninsured (residential and business) and Federal governmental assistance to the County and Municipalities

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