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Emergency Services

Crystal Cavender, CLEM

Emergency Manager

Phone:  256-463-3820

Fax: 256-463-7829


Sheila Amundson

Deputy Emergency Manager

Phone:  256-463-3821

Fax: 256-463-7829


Create An Emergency Preparedness Plan for Your Family

Disasters can strike with little or no warning. Your best defense is preparedness - before, during and after an emergency. Local, state and federal agencies are ready to assist; however, based on the size of the disaster and the number of people who need help, it may take time for responders to assist you. You should be prepared to take care of you and your family for at least three days after a disaster. Take these important steps to develop your family's plan. More information is available in Cleburne County's Family Preparedness Guide, available at Cleburne EMA's office.

Get A Disaster Supply Kit
Have enough basic supplies on hand for at least three days. Think about fresh water, food and clean air first. You should have a flashlight and portable radio with extra batteries. Review the recommended supply list in the Guide.

Make A Plan
Know the risks that could affect your community and how to respond. Practice and maintain your plan with your family members.

Be Informed
Pay attention to local news and weather forecasts. Be prepared to take protective actions if your community is affected by severe weather, man-made disasters or other hazards. Know how to use the local Emergency Alert System.

For more information about emergency preparedness, visit

Photos provided by Bill Wilson, Anniston Star

Photo Provided by Bill Wilson, Anniston Star

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